Sunday, 22 October 2017

Pay fixation under 7th CPC for the post of �Trainee� appointed on compassionate grounds: CGDA clarification

Pay fixation under 7th CPC for the post of �Trainee� appointed on compassionate grounds: CGDA clarification

CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010

No.AN/XIV/14164/7th CPC/corrsp/Vol-II
Dated: 11/10/2017


All PCsDA/CsDA/PCof A(Fys) Kolkata

Subject: Clarification regarding pay fixation under 7th CPC for the post of �Trainee� appointed on compassionate grounds.

Reference: This HQrs Circular of even no dated 01/02/2016.

With reference to the above cited circular, Ministry of Finance Dept. of Expenditure to whom the matter was referred has since clarified as under:

�Level -1 of the Pay Matrix introduced on implementation of the 7th CPC Report be the replacement for the pre-revised �1S scale. The pay of those governed by the IS scale may be revised by using the fitment factor of 2.57 for placement in Level -1 in conformity with the Rule 7 of the CCS(RP)Rules 2016. All pre-revised pay stages lower than pre-revised pay of Rs 7000 in the pre-revised �1S scale shall not be considered for determining the benefit of bunching, on the same lines as has been clarified by MoF(DoE)�s OM dated 3.08.2017 on application of the benefit on account of bunching�.
2. This is for your information and necessary action please. All pay fixation cases may be regulated accordingly

(Kavita Garg)

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF

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